Monday, December 5, 2011

This guy thinks he can fix anything!

Don't know if you remember, but last year I was so excited to put out our Christmas train. We were hoping Dex would think it was the greatest. He was scared to death of it!

Oh how things have changed! Dex loves the train. It's batteries were running low. No problem. Dex will take care of it!

It's so funny to watch Dex with a screwdriver. He knows exactly what to do with it, and he handles it with ease.
Sometimes Grandpa wants to help...

...and tries to take the tools from Dex.

Yay! It's working again. So great to have someone (a 20 month old mechanic) around the house that can fix anything!


Banana said...

Does he hire out? I need tons of stuff fixed. Too darn cute!!!

mommaquincy said...

He is a darling fix it man! I'm glad he like the train this year! He'll love it more each year I'm guessing!

Siera said...

So cute!