Sunday, September 25, 2011

Really?! Does it get any better?

Some friends of ours, Rich and Wendi, invited us to join them in Puerto Vallarta for a week-long vacation. They had a condo there they were willing to share with us. Sounded like fun, and have you ever known us to pass up a chance to have fun?!

Good Bye SLC!
These circles were so cool from the air, but I have no idea where they are...somewhere in Mexico.
Flying into Puerto Vallarta
The taxi driver was impressed that we were staying at the Grand Luxxe.

We soon found out why.....

Here is the kitchen. Off to the right side you can see the table, it is the biggest dining room table I have ever seen! It looks like the table that is in the High Council room....if you know what I mean! I can't figure out how to show the size of this place. In order to fit it in the pictures I have to use the wide angle lens, and it messes up the proportions.

This is the bathroom off our bedroom. Rich and Wendi have the master suite, sometime I'll have to get some pictures of their side of the condo.

This is the bedroom we are staying in. This is a king sized bed, just to give you an idea of the size of this room. Out our room, just through the sliding glass doors, on our balcony, is a cooling pool! I though that was kind of weird, but we have spent tons of time in it. So awesome!
(I'm taking tons of pictures with this "soft focus" look to lens fog up every time I go in or out of the will get better, I promise!)

Here is the Grand Luxxe from the beach. We have a corner condo, from the dark partition over to the middle of the side of this building is ours, so there is the balcony off our room, a corner balcony off Rich and Wendi's room, and then the diagonal balcony off the den off Rich and Wendi's room. Yep, three separate balconies, with amazing views! (third floor)

There are so many swimming pools! Those pools are all that separates us from the ocean.
Our first sunset.
Oh, this is going to be good!


mommaquincy said...

Wow! You guys are very high class! Have fun!

Summer said...

Looks like fun. We're doing the same thing, only in Fiji this week for our 10th anniversary. We'll have to compair notes. We went to puerto vallerta on our honeymoon. have lots of fun.

Aileen said...

WOW!!! What brilliant photos Erika. Enjoy every moment of your stay there.

Anonymous said...

So now I know what you meant by "when I get back in the country". Very, very nice. Hope you have tons of fun!