Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gone fishin'

On Wednesday, Dean and I took my dad up to Manor Lands to go 4-wheeling and fishing. I was so excited, anticipating my dad loving 4-wheeling, and him loving the little lakes up there to fish in. We got to the cabin, threw some hamburgers on the bbq, and had a yummy lunch before we set out on our fishing trip. We got the machines out, all loaded up with our gear, and out of nowhere came a down pour!
By the time we got the machines back into the shed, it had turned into a hail storm! REALLY? In the middle of July?! 3 minutes later it had passed, and we were on our way!

Dad and Dean crossing the East Fork of the Bear River.

Now time to set up for some awesome fishing! Dad was so patient with me. It's only been about 20 years since I've been fishing, so I had to relearn everything.
(notice the clear blue skies by the time we got to Lily Lake)

My casting needed a little work, but it was getting better. I tried to do it just like my dad does.

I watched the tip of my pole just like he told me.

We had been there about 2 1/2 minutes and Dad got a fish on his line!

Here it comes.....and the line breaks! So this is as good a shot of that fish as we got. :(

Next it was my turn. My dad was kind enough to pull the hook out for me, and send this fish on his way.

Back to waiting....
(notice coats are on again, another storm coming...)

Oh fun, I caught another one! But this time, I'm going to take it off the hook. Oops, when I yanked the hook out, I kind of ruined this fish's insides, so I guess we are going to keep this one.

Now for what I had been excited about....getting some fun pictures of our fishing trip. After all, isn't that what fishing is all about?

It's hard to come up for a word that truly describes Dean's enthusiasm for fishing.

My dad had everything one could need in this tackle box, and then some!
Time to try an new kind of bait.

Yay! Dean woke up!

And guess who caught the next fish? Yep, me, and this time I wasn't going to keep it out of the water too long, so it could swim away...with all the pressure of trying to get it back in the water quickly, I kind of put too much pressure on the little fish...(See the death grip I have on the poor fish) Yep, killed that one too.

My dad kept trying to bring the fish back to life that I kept killing.

Oh look, another fish on Erika's pole.
(and yes, I killed this one too, thanks for asking)
We had a scary lighting and thunder storm come up, and decided it was time to get back to the a hurry!

By the time we got back to the cabin, we were drenched, the machine my dad was on had run out of gas and had to be towed home, we were freezing, and I had caught (killed) my limit, (all of which would fit into a Pringle's potato chip can with room to spare!)
Good times!
Thanks for going with us dad!


Aileen said...

Harry will be sooo proud of you, Girl. He, too, loves fishing but it has been a long time since we have been able to get him there. Sorry Wayne's fish got away, looks as if it would have made a decent meal. You and your Dad will really have to educate Dean though!

mommaquincy said...

Erika the fish killer! It doesn't really roll off of the tongue! At least you tried to save them!