Friday, July 15, 2011


Braden went down to Yuba for the weekend with Josh and Meg, so we decided to head down and spend a few hours at the lake with them.
Dex and Dean



Dex discovering sand

While discovering sand, he may have eaten some.


I like taking pictures of great falls, but Braden quit before he had a good wipe out!

Didn't get a great wipe out from Josh either, dang.

Dex made a new friend, Tyler. They had matching life jackets...pretty cool!

Dex thought Ann was pretty cool.

This is what Dex does when he gets a little nervous.

Elliot and Meg

Meg, Elliot, and Josh

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Nice pictures! Meg said it was super windy! Glad you made it down there!