Saturday, January 15, 2011

Christmas is officially over

We had to say good-bye to Braden today. He flew home to Phoenix. His Christmas break officially ended today. His new semester starts on Monday, so now all the kids are back in school. Christmas is over.
We went out to breakfast with everyone but Caitlyn. She was back home in Logan. Yep, we sure missed her!

Dex loves his Uncle Braden!!!

I was trying to get a nice picture of me and Braden before he my hand may have brushed his bum for a 1/10000th of a second and he totally freaks "mom you just goosed me"! So mature Braden!
This is what the picture was supposed to look like. Now was that so hard Braden?

Oh sure Braden, you can make a decent face saying good-bye to Amanda,
and you can look normal saying good-bye to Deaner.
Braden, enjoy your 75 degree weather, it was great having you here!

While we were at breakfast I notice Dex had a mouth full of teeth. Yes, those are two other teeth in the back of his mouth that we didn't even know about.

Lately Dex makes this really funny, intense face. Out of the blue he gets this intense look on his face, and then goes right back to whatever he was doing.

A little explanation about these videos taken today:
When Dex gets excited or anxious about anything, his hands and feet start to twirl.

Dean taught Dex to go up the stairs today. Dex took off like he was an old pro at it, and he has to stop and say hi and make sure everyone is watching along the way.


Summer said...

Cute little guys, Braden and Dex. Grant does that hand shake thing too. It's cute.

mommaquincy said...

Thank goodness you still have Dex around! Wow! All of your kids are still students! You guys must be young!

Jessica said...

I'd never seen another baby do the rolling of the hands and feet except my niece Lily. I love it! So cute. Thanks for all the great pictures, you guys are so funny.

mammasweet said...

Dex needs to meet Lionel and Jane. Cousins shouldn't be denied their parties.