Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ragnar 2010

Team: Road Crew
Van #2
Run, Drive, Sleep? Repeat
Nick, Julie, Braden, Ryan, Dan, and Erika

The Ragnar's Wasatch Back Relay is a race that spans 188 miles, and is run by teams of 12 runners. Those 12 runners are broken down into two vans, and each runner must run 3 legs of the course. Runners 1-6 are in van #1, and runners 7-12 are in van #2. Runners are numbered 1-12, and must run in that order. The race starts in Logan, and runs to Park City.

Of course we must decorate our vehicle ahead of time so everyone will know that we are team Road Crew!

Here I am waiting for the last runner in van #1 to hand off the slap bracelet (baton) and our van starts our turn.

And we are off! I finish my run, then I hand off to Nick.Nick is 18. His mom is one of the team members in van #1. He took Dean's place when Dean found out he had a conflict. Nick hands off to Ryan.

Ryan is Dan's childhood friend.
Braden helping Ryan cool off on a very hot run around Pineview.
Then Ryan hands off to Braden

Braden on his first leg of the Ragnar...feelin' good!
Braden hands off to Dan

Dan is the one that got us into running this race. Last year he needed more runners, and invited Dean, Braden and me to run with him. We loved it so signed up to do it again. (and yes, we have already signed up for next year!)
Dan is doing awesome on his run.

Dan hands off to Julie.

Oh this is just sick and wrong. Nobody should look this good running uphill at 85 degrees!

Julie getting her first experience with the cooling off with the sponge.
It felt so good she went back for seconds!
So at this point, all of us have run our first leg of the race, and have handed the slapbracelet off to van #1, their turn to run again. We headed over to Morgan High School where there were Subway sandwiches for us, and tried to get some sleep out on the high school lawn. Oh yeah, like that's really going to happen.

Van #1 finishes up their runs. Now it's time for us to start running again. Didn't get many pictures of our night runs. Here is Dan getting waters for our runners as they would come in. My run started at about midnight. I was very grateful for that, since it was an uphill run, and doing it during the daylight hours would have killed me. We all had middle of the night runs, except Julie, the sun was coming up when she finished.

Braden finishing up his night time run
Dan, freezing, getting ready to take his turn.

After Julie finished her run, it was Van #1's turn, so we were going to head off to the cabin for a quick breakfast, shower, and nap.....but van #1 was at the wrong exchange, so we had to wait, and wait, and wait.

Julie ready to hand off the batton to van #1, but no runner there. I'm guessing we wasted about 20 minutes here.

6'4" Nick trying to get some sleep. Braden thought this was great, he didn't quite fit on this bed. I'm thinking that is something he is used to!

Janna fixed us breakfast up at her in-laws cabin. Dean wasn't able to run this year because of church obligations, but he was there to greet us at the cabin, and send us on our way to finish up the race.

Team Road Crew, van #2. Feeling refreshed after showering and getting 1 hour of sleep, ready to run the last 6 legs of this relay!

Here I am on my last run. Up to this point I had passed on having them squeeze the sponge on her head, until this leg. It was so hot, that I needed help to cool down.....
This water was so cold! Took my breath away, but felt so good!

So close to done!
My last hand off. I am now done with all of my parts of this relay.

The soaking of our runners was huge! Running in the hot sun was killer! Here are pictures of Nick and Ryan getting cooled off.

When ever you approached your runner, if you had to cross the street you had to use this orange flag. Braden really go into the flag waving as he crossed, and lucky for all of us, I didn't get a single picture of it, this is as close as I got.
That is Deer Creek in the background. This race covers some of the most beautiful areas of Utah!

Braden starting the leg of the race called "the Ragnar". It's a killer leg. We were all very willing to let Braden run this one! 1678 ft elevation gain in 4 miles. Ouch! Oh, and let's also have him do it in the hot afternoon sun!

Braden definately gets the award for the friendiest runner. Every time he was racing there were vans that were cheering him on. He made lots of friends out on the course.

Here is Julie at the Honey Buckets. They were our friends!

Braden, wondering what could have happened to Dan...

Here comes Dan. Dan's course had to be changed at the last minute, which added an extra 1 1/2 miles to this leg. It was on a poorly groomed trail, and he sprained an ankle with 2 miles left to go. He made it, in pain, to hand off to Julie for the last leg of the 2010 Ragnar for team Road Crew! Because of a terrible traffic jam, we were unable to see Julie finish the race, but met up with her afterwards.

Braden, Dan, Julie and Erika with the finish line in the background

This picture is for Mike and Amanda. Look! Funnel Cakes! I can't think of anything less appetizing at the finish line, but whatever.

Riding the tram down to our car from the fininsh line at the Canyons ski resort

Showing off our finishers medals


Jessica said...

Congrats! That race looks so crazy. Still not convinced it looks fun... running in the heat is SO HARD! Can't believe you already signed up for next year too, you guys are die hard.

Jessica said...

Congrats! That race looks so crazy. Still not convinced it looks fun... running in the heat is SO HARD! Can't believe you already signed up for next year too, you guys are die hard.

Manda said...

So fun! Me and Mike totally want to do it next year... and get funnel cakes afterwards!!! Not. Ha ha. You guys all look awesome.

mommaquincy said...

Nice work team! It reminds me of teenage slumber parties, but with lots of hard running and sweating.