Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Grandpa watches out for me!

I am running the Ragnar's Wasatch Back race on Friday and Saturday. I felt like I had to give my joints a rest before I abuse them at the race, so rather than run today, we decided that a 22 mile bike ride was the exercise of choice. We rode to the post office, the library, the bank, and then to Grandma Ellis' house. With wind gusts up to 36 mph, it may not have been the best choice. We got to Grandma's, and yes, she had cookies, so we quickly added back any calories that we may have burned off on the ride over. When we were leaving, Grandpa looked at my seat and decided he had just the right thing for bubble wrap! I told him I was fine, my biking shorts had plenty of cushion, but he insisted. He taped it on with the 2 pieces of tape that had already been used, and sent me on my way! Thanks Grandpa, you are the best!

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Grandpa and his fashion know-how! Erika, you just can't fight it. He knows what is cool!