Tuesday, April 14, 2009

West Rim Hike in Zion

Dean and I decided to do the West Rim hike in Zions. It was a 10 mile hike with a 2400 ft climb in elevation. The trail takes you up to this anticlimactic spring, but the views were amazing! The ending elevation 6720.

Dean had his "super hero" watch, so every 100 ft climb he would let me know what elevation we were at, and how much further we had to climb.


bethany said...

Oh No! I hate switchbacks. You just keep trudging along, and occasionally look up to see miles more. You guys are tough cookies. Maybe you could be the new coaches for the biggest loser. Dean's team and Erika's team.

mommaquincy said...

You guys are incredible! I love the shot that Dean took of you from up above. You are training him well!

mammasweet said...

It was beautiful a week later. Good to see you again, hikers.