Tuesday, November 23, 2021

November 23, 2021 Muncie, Indiana. James and Catilyn's wedding dinner.

 We had a great time at Vera Mae's Bistro in Muncie, Indiana.

Dean and I rode down to Muncie with Amanda and Miles.

We got to the hotel about 2 house before the dinner was to begin, and the venue was about a 10 minute drive from our hotel.
Ikea had a kitchen island that we really wanted for our Lake house.  Ikea doesn't ship store to store, so unless we got the one that was in Indianapolis, Indiana, we weren't going to get this island.😔 
So our plan was for Dean to take off immediately and head to Ikea in Indianapolis.  That meant he would be a little late to the dinner, but after all, he is only the Father of the Bride!
Amanda and Miles and I would get an Uber, or Lift, and meet Dean at the dinner.
Caitlyn had told us there was no need for us to go early to set up...there wasn't that much to set up, and it would be less awkward for her if we just came at the normal time.
Dean left as planned.  Amanda and Miles and I got ready, and headed down to the lobby, and tired to order an Uber.   That was not going to happen.  There were NO drivers available!  Not for Uber or Lyft!  We kept trying, and nothing. (Ball State ball game just few blocks away)  We tried to get a hold of Caitlyn, James, James' dad, anyone!  No one answered phones.  We were 3 miles away, and it was freezing cold, and I was in a dress and high heels!  We called Dean, and told him the new plan.  He had to come back to the hotel, get us, and we would all be a little more than "fashionably late"!  Eventually we got there.  Dean, while driving, changed his shirt and put on a tie still wearing Levi's and running shoes!
We made it, and they hadn't sat down at tables yet!  Caitlyn hadn't even noticed how late we were!

Caitlyn and James had several fun things planned at this event.
 They had a Ketubah, (a Jewish marriage contract) they and all four of their parents signed it.

Next was a sand ceremony.  Basically they had gathered sand from different locations that had meaning for each of them.  Cottonwood Heights, Alaska, Bermuda, Indiana, etc.

They had different people say a little something while adding sand to the bottle.

Next was cutting the cake.
Their cake was amazing!

Then there was the traditional gift giving....well, it's traditional for us, and that's what matters!
The Donahue family took it a step further, and had aunts and uncles also give gifts to Caitlyn to welcome her to their family.  Very thoughtful and funny gifts.

James' mom Patty also gave a gift to Miles (and family).  Miles was thrilled! 
 Yummy popcorn!

Miles was the only kid there.  He "worked" all of the tables.  He was awesome!
He even managed to get James' flower crown, and place at the head of the table!

Picture time with the newlyweds!

James' sister Dana

Patty and her sweet friend, Phyllis.

Amanda, Cailtyn, James, Erika, Miles and Dean

James' dad Jim, Jim's wife Karen, James, and James' wife Caitlyn!

The whole dinner party!

Amanda, Erika, Cailtyn, Miles (of course he had to sit in between James and Caitlyn, Miles thinks James is the best!) James, Karen, Jim, Dana , Patty, and Dean.
The following morning, the families went out to brunch before we drove back to Michigan.

Our final goodbyes.  These sisters will soon be over 3000 miles apart again.
We had a great time in Muncie!  Thank you Patty and Jim!
...and thank you Amanda for letting us ride along in your reliable car!
(that's another story for another post)


Anonymous said...

These are awesome posts and awesome pics! You've done so so much to make these all so successful. And I'm also so glad Brian took pictures! This was so fun to look through. Thanks for posting! <3

Anonymous said...

Looks as if you Guys were having far too much fun there...........
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the "important" couple with lots and lots of love to the rest of the family.

PS, did you get your Counter????????