Thursday, January 9, 2020

Cabin with Yurt to Rim group 1-9-2020

(I don't have internet at the cabin, so I edit pictures at the cabin,  and then do blog posts when I get to use internet somewhere.  So these posts are going to be all over the place)
 Dean made this really cool sign for the cabin!

 We invited 7 couples to come to the cabin for the weekend.  These are couples that we went yurting with last year, or hiked the Rim to Rim this year.  
 It happened to be Jackie Stringham's birthday, and they came anyway!  
 Brian and Jason in an intense ping pong match.

 Lots of help with the puzzle project!  Thanks ladies!

 Maybe just a little too much fun for Bruce LaBaron!

 This sight always makes me happy!

 Lacey and Erik Marsing.  
They had to leave early, so they aren't in the group picture.
 Braden and Hanna Ellis, Angie and Bruce LaBaron, Jason and Melissa Carlson, Dean (and Erika taking the picture), Brian and Jackie Stringham, Allan and Gretchen Freeman.

Yay, the turkeys were out, and put on a great show for our guests.
 Bruce and Angie LaBaron.

 Allan skied all the way down the facing cool!

 Braden and Hanna

 Gretchen, Allan, Jason and Melissa

Great weekend with great peeps!

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