Sunday, January 5, 2020

cabin with Dianna, G&G Jenson 1-5-2020

Wayne, Dorleen, Dean, Dianna and Ej spent the weekend up at the cabin.
We had a blast snowmobiling, 4 wheeling, and hanging out.

My parents walked part of the loop.

 The burn pile from New Years Eve is still smoltering.

 My mom couldn't get enough 4-wheeling!  So fun to have her be excited about the things we love to do!

 The grandpas working on a puzzle for our wall.  Till this day, I had never seen my dad do a puzzle.  We also played cards with my parents....first time doing that with my dad!
 Dianna was a total gamer!  We had to snowmobile down to go to church.

Dianna and me!
 I love this picture!!!
 We watched this smoke on top of the mountain.  It gave us some excitement.  We finally contacted the property owner, it was from a burn pile a couple days ago that he thought was out.  Eventually it died down, and we had to entertain ourselves.

 Grandpa got quite good at driving the 4 wheelers.
Fun times! 
 Thanks for coming guys!


Aileen & Ernie said...

Thanks for your great photos - made me a bit jealous = (except for the cold)We loved having Dorleen and Louise with us = so much fun.

What are the jigsaw puzzles you have on your walls?

Love you guys.........

Erika Ellis said...

We are doing all different puzzles for our walls! We have been ordering puzzles of places we have been, but not limiting it to any kind of puzzle. Mostly trying to add color to that huge wall!