Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

 Notice Miles has his eye on the creepy guy on the porch at all times!

 Cailtyn's costume was awesome!  Something she picked up in Germany, I think.

 Awesome parents!

 Amanda Square pants....yes she has her Ipad tucked in the back of her pants.  Nice look you got going there Amanda!

 The story behind this picture....
So Dex would get to a door, and if the candy wasn't a kind he liked, he wouldn't take it.  So Mike had to have a little chat with him.  Mike told Dex, if it's a candy you don't like, just take it, tell them "thank you", and we'll throw it away when we get home.  You can guess what Dex did at the next house.....yep, told them "thank you, we'll throw it away when we get home."  Time for another, at another house, after going trick or treating to the door, Dex came running out to the curb to tell me rather loudly,  "I said thank you, and I didn't tell them I was going to throw it away when we get home".  He was so proud of himself!

 Yep, trick or treating in flip-flops!  This is a cool kid!

 Miles never did catch on to the trick or treating...but Nora on the other hand, got so good at it, that when she got back to her house she emptied their candy bowl into her own bucket!

 Braden, Hanna and Olivia stayed home to hand out candy.

 We love this little monster!

Olivia and Grandma Joan.

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