Saturday, June 22, 2013

They "tri-ed"

The Call's Fort triathlon-June 2013 

 I know it looks like Dean is praying to the bike Gods, but really he is putting his contacts in.

 Dean, Amanda, Josh, and Richard.  Getting ready to do the Call's Fort Tri.

 Chris taking pictures of all her athletes.

 Manda finishing her swim


 Meg, Elliott, and Chris

 Josh's finish

 Manda finishing the bike.  She has real problems with her feet right now, so the swim and the bike were great for her, and she will have to wait till the July Tri to attempt the run.

 Deaner's finish

 Richard's finish

 Good job to all!

The "Chomp and Gulp" after the race.


Danny and Lauren's Blog said...

Well done! Amanda - you're awesome!! I am too scared to swim so we should do a relay and I will run - but only if we can finish with a chomp and gulp. ;-)

mommaquincy said...

Great shots! It was fun to get to cheer with you!