Friday, June 7, 2013

Playhouse progress

Mike came over a few nights to help, he got to put on the corner!

 Everything has a coat of mud on it now.

 Sanding is all done, ceilings are textured, moldings are all on.  Time to putty and  caulk!  We should be painting tomorrow!  We got the flooring material ordered.

We still have to shingle the roof, build the railing for the loft, and the ladder to climb up into the loft, and build the window boxes!  I'm loving how this is turning out!


Aileen & Ernie said...

It all looks really fantastic. Who thought up that idea? Looking forward to seeing it all finished....

mommaquincy said...

So cool! I want to come and play in it, too! BTW what's the plan for a baby shower for Hannah?