Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sorry you missed it Braden

Saturday, July 21, Dean and I went up to Honeyville to run a triathlon.
We both got a PR...Dean improved his time by 2.5 minutes, and I haven't ever done one before, so this is my best time.  I went really slow just to make sure that next time I will be able to get a PR too.  (Just kidding, I did my best, and found out the areas I could use some serious improvement in!)

Straight from the triathlon we went up to East Canyon where Dean's family was gathering.  It was great visiting with some of his siblings and his parents.

Rushed home from East Canyon to head up to Kamas with Caitlyn, Janna and Dan.
They had tickets to the Demolition Derby, and invited us to go along.
Yes, we are officially "White Trash"!

Front row seats...
Really, does it get any better?!

These guys on motorcross bikes were awesome!

Kind of a funny/sick story here....a guy in one of the cars got hurt.  We had front row seats, so we could see him trying to tell the officials he needed help, but it was so loud, and so crazy, nobody could hear him.  From where we were sitting, all of us could see the situation.  Finally, they were able to stop the other cars.  They had to bring in the "jaws of life" to cut the car.  When the ambulance came into the arena, and stopped so they could load the guy in, the crowd boo-ed because the ambulance totally blocked their view of the emergency.  Really?!  Come on guys.  What a warped society we live in.....just glad they didn't block our view....we got to watch the whole thing!


mommaquincy said...

A very full day! Congrtas on you first tri!

Aileen said...

Congrats on the Tri - still think you are a few 'Roos short in the top paddock - but, hey, that's me. Don't know if you know it but before I was married I drove demolition derby - GREAT. I loved it.