Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I am officially giving up on a once a day picture, and going to aim for at least once a week post.

Our friend in Australia, Aileen, sent Dex this book so he can learn all about Australian animals...and tell his little brother and sister all about them.
Thanks so much Aileen!

 We had this great idea...take Dex to the preview of the floats for the 24th of July parade.  That's much better than sitting through the parade itself.
 He LOVED the marching band

Dex had a love hate relationship with this lion.  He thought it was awesome....from a distance.
As soon as he got up close to the lion Dex was sacred to death.  He kept saying "that lion scared of me".
When Dex gets nervous, scared, or excited he grabs earlobes...something he has done since he was a tiny baby.   This lion was a "double lober"!  I think Dex was feeling nervous, scared and excited all at once!

  Check out the death grip Dex has on Grandpa Deaner as they got close to the lion.
No way was Dex going to do a thumbs up and look at the camera....he had to keep an eye on the scary lion!

Dex telling me with such excitement that the train is coming!
 Dexter's favorite float of all was the Orange Train.  This train would move back an forth along a track on the float.  Dex had to be reassured that the train would come out, but not down...right?  He loved watching it.  I thought he might enjoy having his picture taken by the orange train....this is as close as Dex would get to that float....he about climbed out of my arms when we got any closer.  Funny kid!


mommaquincy said...

Only once a week? At least you're back! That Dex is hilarious!!

ellisgomez said...

Levi was an earlobe grabber too :)

Banana said...

I think we should take a poll. Who wants Erika to keep posting every day? I do!!

Aileen said...

Happy book arrived in 1 piece. We wish we could be there to read out loud to him, complete with Aussie accent. Have fun Dex.