Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Scary Washer

Dex has a love/hate relationship with my washer.  He gets really nervous around loud noises.  He wouldn't go into the laundry room by himself to see the "scary washer", but if he hears the washer going he wants someone to take him into the laundry room  to watch the clothes go around.  Recently we introduced Dex to flashlights.  He now likes the laundry room because it's dark, and he can shine his flashlight in there.  Yesterday I found him in there all by himself, even with the washer going!


Ellis Law said...

he's growing up so fast...

ellisgomez said...

So cute!

Banana said...

I am actually a little worried about Dex! jk. He is adorable!

mommaquincy said...

That is such an adorable picture! How did you get the lighting so amazing?