Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Can you say busy?!

Manda came over and showed us how to make pies. They were awesome! She made apple and pecan pies.

Dex made it really hard to stay focused on getting things ready for dinner. It was much more fun to play with him than cook. We had pies going, rolls, potatoes, and of course the turkey. My kitchen was totally trashed, but got everything made.

First stop: the Jenson dinner

Rachel and Deena

Mike and Manda

Dorleen and Wayne

Cristian, Derek, and Brandon

Jeff and Julie

Teri and Greg


Cohlton, Jordan and Chenelle

Dean and EJ


Rachel, Deena and Kami


Cristian and Dex

Rachel, Kaycee and Deena

Next stop: the Ellis dinner

the Dexter

Cameron, Dex, Ali, Caitlyn and Deaner

Lots of basketball
(thanks Chris and Laura for letting me use your photos)

Home to play with the Jeff and Julies. We got to have them stay at our house. Their kids were so great with Dexter

Dex kind of got himself trapped under the kitchen table. Don't know how he got in there, but he couldn't get himself out!

Next morning was the annual "Day after Thanksgiving Jenson bowling"

Dex getting ready to go out and face the cold!
Now everyone is gone, and our "empty nest" is empty again. It was so fun to have everyone here! Can hardly wait till Christmas when kids will be back!


Aileen said...

What a wonderful time you all had. Wish we could have been there with you. How did the turkey turn out? Ernie wants a hat like Dex'.

mommaquincy said...

So fun! I love Dex's hat!

Young Ohana said...

yay!! thanks for all the fun pictures!! thanksgiving is always fun!! we have an awesome fam!!