Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trek 2009

Trek 2009
July 8-11

Trek started at 5:00 am on July 8th.

First of many adventures....broken down bus in Parley's canyon.

For those of you that read the Friend,
in the July issue there is a story on Oscar.
This is Oscar, and for some reason, he chose our group to attach to. (to view the story on Oscar, click on the word "story")

Martin's cove

This is Dean giving the cove talk to our 250 "trekers", 50 "trekers" at a time.

Crossing the Sweetwater river, reverently.....

and not so reverently

Of course, there was lots of square dancing.

Long story short, we didn't get into our camp ground till 10:00 pm, we had an awesome dinner, just a little later than planned.

Gay and Ivan Hill are some of the missionaries helping out the Trekers that come through this area. I've know them since I was 6 months old....I'll have to take their word on that, it's all kind of fuzzy to me as to when we first met!


mommaquincy said...

Wow! The adventures never end for you guys. I love that last picture with the cool moon behind you!

G'ma J said...

Fun to see Gay and Ivan, to meet Oscar, and I'm going to borrow your picture of the "reverent crossing". I am using the Martin/Willey story in our English classes, and am looking for pictures of the area. Do you know if there is a CD/DVD on handcart travel and the story of this company?