Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chillin' with the in-laws In New Mexico

While staying at Kathy's house, we got to go see where she works, and also where Ann works. Ann was kind enough to show us her lovely gun collection that she keeps in her office.

Grandpa kept writing in this little book. I'd love to know what was in there....wait, maybe not.
Grandma is amazing. She did the elliptical, made cookies, worked on puzzles, interpreted for Grandpa, and was always jumping up to get everyone what ever she thought they needed.
Be jealous, we got a batch of Grandma's cookies while on vacation....does it get any better?!

One of our proudest moments on our trip was the night we spent at Davis and Marianne's home. We got to see photos from some of their world travels, and talk about their many cruises, and dream about traveling as much as they do, but none of that compares with the accomplishment of keeping Davis up till after midnight! Now how many people in their lifetime will be able to say they've done that? It was a great trip.


mommaquincy said...

You are right! Grandma is amazing. You and Dean are awesome, too. Did you do any marithons while you were there?

Jessica said...

Fun pictures, way to go keeping the Tonks up late! You guys always seem to have fun, no matter where you go.

Min and Mary said...

As usual, great pictures. And excellent commentary. Don't you travel as much as the Tonks? You've been to Virginia and New Mexico recently. Where else is there to go?

mammasweet said...

Thanks for keeping us in the loop. You guys are the best. Taking after Margaret and Dan, eh?