Thursday, January 12, 2023

2023-1-12 Dex is released from hospital

Dean flew to Detroit on Tuesday, January 10.  I had been staying at Amanda's house up till Dean got here.  Mike's dad Kurt was also in town, and staying at Mike and Amanda's, so Dean and I started staying at our house, and just driving down to Ann Arbor to visit or help with kids.

Its so beautiful here, but stinking cold!
We have done lots of puzzles, had game night with our friends, and we go on lots of walks around the neighborhood.  I wish we were out here for different reasons, but we are making the most of our time in Michigan.  We weren't planning to spend any of the winter here!

So here is the Dex update:
On Wednesday, Jan 11, the Dr's decided to stop the nutrients that were going through the picc line.  The picc line was causing problems, and Dex was starting to eat food.  If Dex could tolerated food, and his blood sugar was in the acceptable levels, they would take out the picc line.  As far as I know, that was the only thing that was keeping Dex in the hospital.  Dex did great.  So Thursday, at 11:00 am the line was removed, and Dex left the hospital!

He was still very weak and unstable.  His right arm still had pain from the blood clot, so he kept that arm close to his body.  He kind of looked like an old man walking gingerly around the house.

That evening, Dex got a fever, had pain in his abdomen, elevated heart rate,  and was having diarrhea.   Mike and Amanda called the hospital to see if he needed to go back.  They all decided to wait, and watch how Dex progressed.  The U of M medical center is 8 minutes from their house, which is a real blessing.

Dex did alright through the night.  His fever went away, and the heart rate came down, not to normal for Dex, but it did improve.
I'm writing this on Monday, and the report from Amanda is Dex has less pain, and no diarrhea.

Dean and I have flights booked to return to Utah on Wednesday morning.  
We will see if both of us get on the flight, or if I need to stay to help.

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