Thursday, August 5, 2021

Kings Peak 8-5-2021

 Kings Peak 2021 
We had 6 youth, and 7 adults.

L to R:  Rachel, Ashley, Logan, Johnny, Josh, Bruce, Angie, Scott, Julie Emily Dean, Erika, and Brad.

Hiking to base camp.  Our first view of Kings.

(Erika and Emily)
Feels so good to take the pack off!

Are we having fun yet?

We got some pretty good rain and hail on our way to base camp.

We ran into an old friend from 30 years ago, Mark Newman, on the trail.  Last time we talked to him he had just taken a tour from Caitlyn in Alaska!  He was living in Iowa.  Now he lives in Phoenix.  He had just summited, and we had just made it to base camp.  

This is the group leaving to summit Kings!
Angie, Rachel, Emily, Johnny, Ashley, Josh, Erika, Dean, Brad, and Logan

The yoga masters

Gunsight Pass.

Dean, Angie and I opted to take the scenic route.  Brad and the youth took the short cut.
One the way back, all of us took the scenic route!

When we were at the summit, the winds were super strong, so we opted to take a quick picture, and get off the peak.  No standing up for this photo!

 A very tired Erika and Angie.

This was our "home sweet home" for the trip.  The winds were so bad that at night the tent was smashed up against our faces.  The crazy winds also bent one of our tent poles.

Packing up and heading home.


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