Sunday, July 26, 2020

Eccentric peak 2020-7-26

We had to spend the night to do this hike.  Eccentric Peak, or Chepeta Peak, is the county high point for Daggett county and Uintah counties.

We had deer wandering through our campsite.  Makes me think this isn't the first time these deer have seen people!
After a terrible nights sleep in the Yukon, we started our hike just 9:00 a.m. to Eccentric Peak.
We passed several little mountain lakes.

We reached the peak at 11:30 a.m.  Signed the book, and got our photo of the marker!

...and then took our traditional silly pictures.

Its always chilly on the tops of the peaks.  This high point was more plateau. 

On the way back down, we ran into this moose.  He was too close to the trail for us to be comfortable with.  We felt like if we kept a tree between us and the moose it was kind of safe to continue hiking down the trail. 

 It was a little intense, but we didn't die.

 It was a great hike, and now there are only three left!

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