Thursday, June 20, 2019

Berkeley, Day 4, June 18

After breakfast, the kids and I did all the laundry.  They were so cute sorting and folding their own laundry! 
We decided to go out to lunch.  Super Duper Burgers was our choice, and good choice it was, free ice cream cones!

Then we rode the bus up to Amanda's work.  The bus driver was super friendly, kids loved him!

The nice lady at the math building showed the kids all the fun activities there, we will for sure be coming back!

The science museum was on our list for today, but when we got there, we realized it closed in about an hour, and we didn't think that would be enough time, so change of to the art museum.

Of course, art museum was closed on Tuesdays!  So plan "C",  on the Berkeley campus there was a dinosaur display.  That would have to do for today, and the kids loved it!

Later that evening, the kids got to try out their new water squirters!
That day didn't go exactly as planned, but it was a fun day anyway!

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