Monday, June 16, 2014

House update 6/16/2014

This is a view of our lot from the Jordan River.  There are a couple of pelicans that hang out in this bend of the river.  We can usually see the pelicans from our lot.

 From the Jordan River trail looking up at our lot....isn't our dirt beautiful?!
Breaking ground!

 Here are all the cement trucks backed up ready to pour foundation walls!  

 We have a foundation!
Backfilling started today. 

Funny story here....We have this little muskrat that hangs around the bridge.  Dex saw it and was so excited  "I've never seen a beaver before!"  Didn't have the heart to tell him he still hasn't seen a we just call this little guy a beaver.  Sure wish it had a bigger, flatter tail!


Aileen & Ernie said...

Thanks for those photos, you certainly get moving when you start. Looking forward to a lot more as things progress. Take care of your "Beaver" won't you?

mommaquincy said...

coming right along! I love the fact that you have access to the wildlife in your back yard!