Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Stake Christmas Dinner 12-20-2013

Each year, rather that give a Christmas gift to the members of the Stake Presidency, we have them over for a nice dinner.  Every person was able to make it to the dinner!  I loved how everything went that evening.

Ken and DeEtte Larsen, Brian and Amber Curtis, Jayson and Danielle Christensen,
 Ej, Kim and Jackie Barrett, Reed and Sandi Huntsmen, Kevin and Lori Guest, and Deaner.

I know the food was good because the next day Dean had a gallbladder attack.  That means the food was extra greasy, and he over ate!  Thanks for the complement Dean!  Next time just tell me it was yummy.

1 comment:

Aileen & Ernie said...

Dean, get rid of the Gall Bladder, you will feel soooooo much better Mate. It will come back and bite you every time you are enjoying yourself.......