Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sand Hollow & St George Narrows hike

Things hadn't gone exactly as planned on this trip.  We had a blast, but had to make several alternate plans.  One of which was staying in St. George instead of on a houseboat.  We were beat when we got back from a full day at Powell. 
 We decided to go to Sand Hollow the next day, instead of driving back to Lake Powell.  We were the only ones skiing on the lake, there were other boats, but they were all fishing.  They water was so smooth!



 Kirk McDougal

 James Nielsen

Dean and Erika 


 After a day full of awesome skiing, we decided we needed to go for a hike.
We hiked the narrows up above St. George.

 These guys were so fun!

 Dean had a gallbladder attack at about 2:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning.  He had gotten out of bed and was in the kitchen trying to find something for the pain,  he passed out and somehow hit his head and had a little cut and bump on his forehead, and a deep bruise on his bum from falling. I found him unconscious on the kitchen floor.  His pain finally went away and he was able to go to sleep after that.  The next morning, James tweaked his back while putting the plug in the boat, and while water skiing, Kirk pulled a muscle in his lung area.  I'm hanging out with some OLD people!

  I'll keep you updated on what, if anything, Dean is going to do about the gallbladder issue.


mommaquincy said...

Wow Erika! I would have been so scared! I just told Jon about passing out once when I went for a painkiller. I fell and got a black eye. I say get rid of that gall bladder bud!

Aileen & Ernie said...

Dean, get rid of the gall bladder as soon as you can Mate. Once the pain has been that bad it just isn't going to get any better. Voice of experience with that one. I left it too long and could not have keyhole surgery - ended up with 37 staples in tummy - oh yeah, great fun (not).

Mary said...

SCARY! No more passing out, please! I guess the Lord was punishing you for not visiting your new greatest niece while gallivanting around St. George. Rose is highly offended but sorry for your suffering.

Erika Ellis said...

Mary, I would have loved to meet Rose! We weren't driving, and the 3 old men I was hanging out with all got injured that day.

Mary said...

sounds like he's recovered if he's biking all over the valley. Rose hasn't learned to hold grudges so you're ok;)

mammasweet said...

That's what you get for driving clear down here and not stopping to see the new little Rose. (Seriously, I would have loved to have taken Dean right over to see Dr. Mel)