Sunday, August 28, 2011

Playing with the "creatch"

So we sometimes call Dex "the creature", or "the creatch" for short.
We got to have "the creatch" come play with us last night! We love it when that kid comes over!

Dean had to fix one of our sprinklers.....

So of course, that means Dex had to fix that sprinkler!

Can't even tell you how many times Dex got sprayed with the sprinkler, and it didn't even phase him....or his cookie!

Never seen anyone who thought eating a hot-dog was so dang funny.

Then we went over to see Chenelle's puppies!
"Yes Dex, that WAS his eye"

This kid is not lacking in the facial expressions department!


mommaquincy said...

There's nothing cuter than a boy and a puppy! Well, except maybe a boy, his grandma and a puppy!

Cory Reese said...

I'm late, but....congrats to Dean on the Hobble Creek! Very awesome!

Aileen said...

mommaquincy I was just scrolling down to put a comment on this blog thinking to myself "there is nothing like photos of children and dogs" Although we have never met, we obviously think along the same lines.