Friday, March 18, 2011

new lens

I bought a new lens for my camera, and it needs an adapter for it to attach to my camera. I'm waiting patiently (not!) for the adapter to come, but in the mean time I wanted to play with my lens. These pictures are taken with me just holding the lens up to my camera.
Check out the Depth of Field (meaning how much is in focus). The foreground and back ground are both blurred, and only the middle keys are in focus. Oh, this is going to be fun!
Not that I've been watching the adapter as it makes it's way to Utah, but it's supposed to be delivered tomorrow!!!! Happy Day!

Dex is a good sport about letting me take a bazillion pictures of him. He loves to see the picture on the camera afterwards. He's starting to jump the gun a little, and as soon as the camera is in position, he reaches out for you to show him the picture. Can't tell you how many pictures I have a Dexter reaching for the camera.


mommaquincy said...

Very cool lens! I expect to see many more pictures of Dex taken with it!!

Summer said...

what kind of lens is it? you guys sure are enjoying that little man. he's pretty darn cute. are amanda and mike staying in northern utah after school?

Erika Ellis said...

It's a 50mm 1.8 prime lens. I'm so excited to play with it!

Aileen said...

Wonder if Dex is going to grow up thinking that his Grandma has a camera in her hand as a permanent fixture (ha ha ha). Great photos (again). Thanks for sharing them with us.