Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Rest of the Story....

So now that the wedding is over, and I have my house back...I've decided to show you "the rest of the story."

Braden set up the lights for the reception in the backyard, and then from out of nowhere there was a huge lightning storm! In this photo he is running for his life!

At the temple, it was a total down pour....Amanda followed the lovely couple holding Chenelle's dress up so it wouldn't get dirty. So in the pictures she would duck down behind them, still holding the train of the dress.

The day of the reception there was a windstorm. So Braden had to take down the lights in the backyard, and set them up again in the church. That also included taking the chandelier off the gazebo and rewiring it onto the arch.
The gym looked great, for only having 90 minutes to take down the decorations in the back yard and move it all over to the church.

And then there was the cutting up of all the fruit....yep, you guessed it...Amanda and Caitlyn were there to cut up a bazillion pieces of fruit!

When the reception was moved to the church, Caitlyn was all over getting signs up to put in our yard and the church so invited guests would know exactly where the reception was.

AB and C were awesome!

Oh yeah, Dean was being awesome too....


G'ma J said...

Just goes to show that planning is well over-rated! In the ABC picture, is that Greg, or did Braden grow hair. Also, you are going to have to start labeling all pictures of Dean and Braden, cuz it is hard to tell the difference!

mommaquincy said...

What great kids you have! You all really deserved that Lake Powell vacation! Your family is lucky to have you for a daughter/sister/aunt/etc.
Can't wait to hear about the next race!