Saturday, October 4, 2008

Shenandoah National Park, Compton Peak hike

We decided to hike to Compton peak, because running the 5k just wasn't enough exercise for the day. We started out, and found this trail marker, which we had no idea what it was trying to tell us. So back down to the trail head, and found out that we weren't even on the right trail. Figured out where we were supposed to be hiking, and started off again...

This is Dean and EJ at Compton Peak, looking over the Blue Ridge Mountains. Awesome views!

What a lovely couple!

This seemed like the perfect place for an engagement photo....

I think there was a lack of oxygen in these three, when we were at the peak, they were just a little silly! Okay, a lot silly!


mommaquincy said...

Wow! Beautiful pictures! Makes me wish we'd done some hiking while we were there! Maybe you could put Josh and Meg's faces on your's for an engagement picture!

Erika Ellis said...

Youre so welcome for inviting you out here

mikejfrancis said...

that last comment was actually from me.