Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Olivia is here!

(I know, I was a little slow getting this posted.)
This cute picture of Hanna was taken on Sept 19, 2013. One week after her due date. In the morning, September 20th,  she was supposed to head over to the hospital to have labor induced.  About 2 hours after this picture was taken, Hanna went into labor on her own.

Getting pretty excited to meet Olivia.

18 hours later, Olivia finally arrived!

Grandma and Grandpa Ellis were so excited to meet her.  She was so worth the wait!

Olivia has the same double cowlick that her daddy has.


mommaquincy said...

Slow coming, but worth waiting for! So many adorable pictures!

Aileen & Ernie said...

Welcome Olivia, you have certainly chosen a wonderful family to bless.